
What is Virgin Coconut Oil

Nowadays, Virgin Coconut oil is highly in demand in the food market because of its benefits to the consumers. The popularity of the organic virgin coconut oil is highlighted more through various articles wherein people are shown the different benefits to people’s health. The Virgin Coconut oil is one of the edible oil growing in popularity as a nutritional supplements and functional food in the emerging functional food market. The present health scenario characterized by the highest prevalence of cardiovascular diseases greatly demands the consumption of oils and fats which can lower the level of lipids in serum and tissues therefore, sustaining the human health. With these, coconut oil is given importance based on their chain fatty acid profile which could contribute to the healthy heart.

Furthermore, Virgin Coconut oil is dubbed as the “healthiest oil in the world”, due to its rich amount of medium chain fatty acids especially 48-53% of lauric acid that could augment the metabolism, immunity, digestibility, and ensure the sound serum lipid profile contributing to the healthy profile.

Due to its popularity, many industries are using virgin coconut oil as their end products. That is according to Future Market Insights. The industries that continuously using the virgin coconut oil are as follows:

  • food services industry
  • food and beverages manufacturer.
  • household industry

How Virgin Coconut Oil Is Made?

We now know what a virgin coconut oil is. It is now time to discover how it is actually made. Did you know that it’s possible to make a homemade coconut oil? Not only that, but you can make coconut oil to virgin coconut oil, using a heated method or cold- processed.

The process of making homemade virgin coconut oil is ridiculously simple. The step by step procedure can be simply followed by almost anyone. Meaning, it is very simple and you can actually do it at the comfort of your homes.

  • Let us start with the whole coconuts, just crack them open and save the coconut water within to drink or to use with your smoothies.
  • Extract the coconut meat from the coconut shell. To be able to do it in simple manner, just simply place the coconuts in the oven for ten minutes at 170 degrees Celsius. Afterwards, use a tool to remove the meat. You can use a knife if that is all you have at hand.
  • The next step is making a coconut milk. To do so, you just have to blend the coconut meat and filtered water for about 1-2 minutes. Still, there will be more coconut pulps, but you will also find a lot of coconut milk too.
  • To separate the mixture, just use a nut milk bag and allow the homemade coconut milk to gather in a large bowl.
  • The mixture will be used to create your homemade coconut oil. Just pour the milk into a large, heavy- based pan then heat it on low, consistent temperature. You will now begin to see the coconut oil forming on the top of the mix.

Please do note that the low-temperature heating process can easily take between 1-2 hours, if not more. Just be patient in waiting.

Health Benefits and Nutrition Content

Organic Virgin Coconut oil appears to have the unique ability to normalize bodily function. It can give you more energy that you have had in the past. That is why to some, it is like a “Fountain of Youth”. For these undoubtedly good reasons, many people consider the organic virgin coconut oil to be the “Healthiest Oil on Earth”.

Of course, just like every product of Celebes, the organic virgin coconut oil has a nutrition content as well. Here are a few:

  1. Lauric Acid- It is a powerful biochemical that help to boost the immune system and treat a wide and vast range of medical conditions from common allergies to critical ailments.
  2. Virgin Coconut Oil helps in the absorption of fat- soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), Vitamin B and minerals (Ca, Mg, Fe). It is easily absorbed by the body and by the skin and can slow the aging process by keeping the skin healthy.
  3. VCO has an energizing effect and makes the body work, heal, metabolize, and defend better. It also do have a slimming effect, an anti- viral, anti- fungal, anti- bacterial and immune- boosting action.
  4. VCO has also an anti- inflammatory action when massaged on joints and limbs. Applying it on the affected areas could usually relieve gout, arthritis, and rheumatism. It can also ease joint pains, swelling and even kill skin diseases such as rashes and warts.  This can also stimulate hair follicle growth when massaged on the scalp.

Uses of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil: Cosmetics

Here are some practical uses of organic virgin coconut oil as cosmetics:

  • Coconut Oil for Hair Treatment

Just dab a small amount of organic coconut oil onto your scalp and strands of hair. To do this, just apply and lather the coconut oil to your hair and scalp. Upon doing so, you will make your hair shiny and smooth.

For better results, you can do this at least once a week.

  • Coconut Oil as Hair Grower

To make your hair grow thicker, organic coconut oil can help you. You can do the same thing that you did for the hair treatment. This time, you must put more effort on your hair roots so it will make your hair thicker than before. You can have this treatment weekly and you will see a difference on your hair thickness afterwards.

  • Coconut Oil as Makeup Remover

Yes! You heard it right. You can use organic coconut oil as a make-up remover because it is good moisturizing agent for all skin types. Since, coconut oil is skin friendly, you can freely use it to remove your make up after a whole day. It will do no harm to your skin. Say No to pimples and yes to organic coconut oil as a make-up remover.

  • Coconut Oil as Facial Scrub

Why not pamper your face with coconut oil after a long hours of work? How to do it using organic coconut oil? Simply, have some oats and soak it with coconut oil. Afterwards, exfoliate your skin using the mixture. You can do it once a week.  If you do this weekly, you will notice a good effect on your face. It will be rejuvenated and feeling fresh instantly.

  • Coconut Oil as Face and Skin Moisturizer

As we all know, organic coconut oil is a good moisturizer. Many people are already using organic coconut oil in moisturizing their face and skin. All you have to do is to lather a small amount of coconut oil into a cotton. Apply it to your entire face through a gentle massage.  It is also recommended to use while bathing. Pouring some organic coconut oil while bathing your body will have a good skin effect. It will definitely make your skin moisturized at all times.

Cooking with Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Organic Virgin Coconut oil is one of the most ideal- plant based oils out there. Aside from the fact that it offers a load of health benefits, it is also tasty and delicious and is very ideal for alkalinity- conscious cooking.

Now, let us discover some recipes which uses the organic coconut oil as a primary ingredient. These recipes will surely be loved by your friends and family. Go loco for the coco and you’ll never look back.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie


celebes vegan chocolate chip cookie
Image Source: www.noracooks.com
  • 1 ¾ cups walnut toasted, finely ground in a food processor
  • 2 cups regular oats divided
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • ¾ cup white Kamut flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ½ cup pure maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp almond milk
  • 3.5 tbsp coconut oil make sure it’s room temperature and not a solid
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2/3 cup vegan chocolate chips


  1. Sauté the onion and ginger. Then add in the curry paste.
  2. Add water together with Celebes Coconut Milk. Wait for it to boil.
  3. Add the chopped tofu into the mixture followed by the vegetables.
  4. Sprinkle salt, sugar, and pepper to taste.
  5. Make sure to reduce the heat. Let it simmer.
  6. Cover the pan. Stir the soup occasionally.
  7. Best to serve the Tofu Coconut Soup when still warm.

Coconut Chicken Curry


celebes coconut chicken curry
Image Source: www.theendlessmeal.com
  • Lemongrass
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Turmeric
  • Vegetable oil
  • Chicken legs, thighs, and wings
  • Salt, sugar, and pepper
  • Water
  • Celebes Coconut Milk


  1. Bruise the lemongrass stalks by hitting them. In this procedure, you will get the stalks juices. Afterwards, tie them with a loose knot.
  2. Put in on the onion, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, turmeric, and 2 tablespoons of water. To be able to make a paste, just combine them all and blend them evenly.
  3. Get a skillet and grease it with vegetable oil. Make sure to put it in medium heat.
  4. Next, dump in the chicken. Season it with salt and pepper. Make sure that the chicken is already golden brown before actually flipping the them. Set aside afterwards.
  5. Get the spice paste and cook it in the same skillet.
  6. When the paste slightly darkens, add the coconut milk and the lemongrass stalks.
  7. Let the mixture simmer before adding the browned chicken.
  8. Cook until the chicken becomes tender. Serve this while still warm.

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil: Celebes Coconut Corporation

The Celebes Coconut Corporation remains one of the most popular and well-known manufacturer of virgin coconut oil of all times. Celebes Virgin coconut oil is a healthy cooking choice which can likewise be used as a regimen for skin and hair care. Celebes Virgin Coconut oil is popular and famously known because of its fragrant scent, taste, medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), antioxidants, and vitamins as well. 

In fact, in 1998, Celebes is the very first company to manufacture and export the Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. Not only that, the company also manufacture the following products:

  • Crude Coconut Oil
  • Organic RBD Coconut Oil
  • Copra Cake and Copra Meat
  • Desiccated Coconut
  • Banana Chips
  • Coconut Milk
  • Coconut Water
  • Coconut Juice
  • Coconut Sugar and other certified coconut products.

Celebes Organic Virgin Coconut Oil comes in different packaging:

  • HDPE bottles
  • Glass bottles
  • PET bottles
  • And in bulk

So, hurry up and order now! Be the first to experience the benefits of organic virgin coconut oil in town. Here is the contact information where you can reach the Celebes Coconut Corporation.

 Contact Info
Celebes Coconut Corporation, Purok 4,
 Barangay Banza, Butuan City, Philippines 8600
Tel. No. +63 85 342-7777
Fax. +63 85 342-8888