Versatility of Celebes Coconut Products

Versatility of Celebes Coconut Products

When we think of a tree, not only to give sheds when it is hot but with superb benefits and  can give you countless nutriments, what tree immediately pop up to your mind? A tree with  multipurpose and benefits, with glorious fruit that helps and endures your hunger and thirst. It  can also improve oral health and there’s a possibility that it can regulate and minimize seizures.  Yes, it is none other than coconut trees and it has a lot to offer. Coconut tree is a water resistant  tree that can live anywhere where there is less water. This is one reason why more farmers in the  Philippines include planting coconut tree for their livelihood. In fact, not only in the Philippines,  coconut trees are patronized all over the world. It produces incomparable products that can be  useful and practically helpful.  Coconut trees have a huge role in different industries. Its versatility is economically visible  to every part of the world. Because of its indefinite benefits, even its root is useful. In Asian  countries coconut is part of everyday living. Countless ideas can be seen and taste in their cooking  routine. Indeed, there are different ways of using coconut products, especially in various industries.  It is beautifully amazing right! 

Celebes Coconut-based Product 

One of the main coconut products of the Celebes is the desiccated coconut that is freshly  manufactured and went through the high quality supervision. It comes in different packed sizes  that will really enjoy by the consumers.  Below are the Celebes coconut products that would certainly will absolutely benefits all the  consumers worldwide; 

  • Desiccated Coconut is the top product of Celebes that can give additional life to all kinds  of foods including confectionaries and baking. There are five cuts available in all markets  like the macaroons, medium, shred and flakes. It also has toasted options and either  sweetened or unsweetened. Desiccated coconut is basically dried in texture with a natural  flavor that can be added to your preferred food. There are no additives ingredients and  preservatives that makes it healthier. 
  • Coconut Water is one of the healthiest products that Celebes offers. This organic coconut  juice is created by Celebes to those consumers who are health conscious when it comes to  drinking diet. It has oral re-hydration medium, can kill intestinal worms and it also helps  the consumers avoid urinary infections. Additionally, it helps to dissolve the kidney  stone and can be a tool for the fast absorption of drugs that passes through the bloodstreams  and it has an electrolyte factor to the human body. 
  • Coconut Milk helps to regulate the fat that comes inside your fatty. Yes, coconut milk  has fats but these fats are helpful to make your digestion move fast and serve as the anti-bacterial that protects your body. There are also studies that coconut milk can help to remove  the clogs in arteries. Certainly, this makes the consumers think that including Celebes  coconut milk to dietary foods will make them live longer.  
  • Creamed Coconut is rich in milk taste with high healthy oil content and sugar. Extracted  from the grated meat of mature coconut. It has natural stabilizer as it comes from the  fresh organic coconut and produced to preserve the fresh and natural aromatic flavor of  the coconut. Celebes is proudly providing this product with superb and incomparable  flavor.
  • Virgin Coconut Oil is a healthy alternative cooking oil. Celebes is the first company and  manufacturer that introduced virgin coconut oil in the market. It is 100 percent can be  used in skin care and hair. Celebes coconut oil has a calmly fragrant and taste that is very  effective as antioxidants. It contains medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), vitamins and  other minerals. 
  • RBD Coconut Oil is the Celebes’ introduces for skincare formulations and to all other skin  care products like soaps, moisturizers, lotions, body creams, ointments and other  toiletries. As many believes that “The Coconut Oil Miracle” because it gives a neutral effect  to the cholesterol that comes through the blood. 
  • Crude Coconut Oil by Celebes has incredible oil factors that are incredibly essential to everyday use.  Celebes organic coconut oil has been inducing to numerous industries. It includes beauty,  foods, healthcare nutraceuticals and also incorporated for the best alternative for  petroleum oil and recently in production of Biodiesel. 
  • Celebes Coconut Cream has consistency in thicker texture. It is indeed best in mixing with  the beverages. It is very convenient to use for preparing food. It is an easy packed like it  lessens the job to dissolve a powdered cream product before use. Most importantly, it  is a Non-GMO coconut product that is dairy-free and stabilizer-free that is really by the  consumers. 
  • Coconut Flour is an additional basic product of Celebes Coconut Corporation. Aside from using it as a best replacement of other flour, it can improve human digestion, regulate the  blood sugar that helps your body avoid diabetes, it also helps to stay you away from heart  disease and can perfectly loss your weight. 
  • Frozen Coconut Meat is helping the consumers to cut their time in preparing food. Like  picking coconut from the tree so on and so forth can exert more effort and time. With  Celebes coconut these long  
  • Coconut Charcoal is one of the useful coconut products of Celebes. It is essential in households  for indoor and outdoor use. It is made from the coconut shell. It is hotter and can last long  compared to other charcoal. It is important to the food Industry especially on barbeque, for  stove fuel and metallurgy. 
  • Coconut Water Concentrate 60 brix is from the evaporation of fresh coconut water.  It has the electrolytes and has no added sugars. Additionally, it uses as natural sports  drink. Celebes coconut water concentrate is organic and has 100 percent coconut  water and absolutely a Non-GMO certified 6. 

Coconut Products Manufacturer and Exporter 

Celebes Coconut Corporation is one of the biggest manufacturers and the top producer of  coconut products and creates tons of ideas on how to deliver the cleanest coconut products to every  household all over the world. Celebes has hectares of coconut plantations located in the southern  area of the Philippines specifically in Davao to make sure that their consumers can adequately  have a healthy coconut product on their table.  More people are continuously creating profitable products out of this incredible tree. Even  in first world countries, coconut trees are highly appreciated especially in their households. They  alternatively use coconut products for daily needs, instead of using fresh water for their healthy  diet, they use coconut water or its juice to energize their bodies. This reason gives ideas to some  of the researchers to study and seemingly looking for more possible ways how coconut can be  useful in curing most major diseases.On top of these, Celebes Coconut Corporation embraced these opportunities to  manufacture and export the best coconut products worldwide. As the coconut trees stand tall and  perfectly grab the fast phase of the new millennium, the company has a nonstop production of  healthy products that people need, especially the human body needs to become strong and healthy. If you want to learn more, you can read from our blog or contact us.

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