health benefits of coconut water

Health Benefits of Coconut Water

On sunny day, next to water, a glass of coconut water will absolutely cheer you up. But what can it do to your body? In recent years, coconut water has become a trendy beverage that is now predominant everywhere. The delightful sweetness and fresh taste makes it way to breakout the heat. There must be something about coconut water that makes it such an enormous favorite among nutritionists and health experts. Perhaps, the healthiest natural drink you can have on a hot summer day.It is a dose of electrolytes and sugar. There is no doubt that it can do wonders for your skin, your waistline, great for your heart and so much more. So what are the great health benefits of this nature’s very sweet nectar? Let us find out. Coconut water is a clear fluid found inside coconuts, easy to say coconut juice. The mixture of coconut water and grated coconut is the coconut milk. Coconut water is low calorie at 45-60 calories per cup or low sugar diet at with 11-12g of sugar. Coconut water has plant compound and electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus. Electrolyte content varies based on the maturity of the coconut. Because of the electrolyte content of coconut water, most research shows that coconut water might be beneficial for rehydration after fluid losses due to illness or sweat losses after exercise. Some analysis suggests that the electrolyte content in coconut water alone is not adequate for optimal rehydration alone. Coconut water can be a good beverage for those with diabetes but it should be important to control the consume due to the sugar in this drink can add up over time. Coconut water can help to lower the blood pressure with those who has hypertension. Its’ potassium helps to counteract the blood pressure boosting by sodium.

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Many consider coconut water as a “SUPER DRINK” because of its taste and health benefits. Listed here the nutriments and can positively affect our health.

  1. Coconut water is a good source of abundance nutrients. Coconut water typically comes coconut about 6-7 months of age, also found in matured fruit. Coconut water has 94% and very little fat. One cup (240 ml) contains about 50% water and is quite high in fat as well as carbs 15 grams, sugar 8 grams, calcium 4% of the daily value, magnesium 4% of the daily value, phosphorous 2% of the daily value and potassium 15% of the daily value.
  2. It has anti-oxidant properties. Coconut contain polyphenol antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity that can protect your cells from damage that may reduce the disease risk.
  3. It can help to lower the blood sugar for those people living with diabetes. Another added blood sugar benefit of coconut water is that it is good source of magnesium which can increase insulin sensitivity and decrease blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. Also, because this beverage is fresh, hygienic and free of artificial sweeteners and preservatives.
  4. Drinking enough fluids is important for kidney stone prevention. Yes, plain water is good but coconut water might be better. Kidney stones are crystalized calcium, oxalate and other aggregated in urine. Kidney stones affect 12% of world’s population. Coconut water helps in dissolving kidney stone because of the presence of potassium that helps in urine alkalizing in preventing formation of kidney stones.
  5. Drinking coconut water probably support heart health. Its potassium may help reduce blood pressure. In older study found that coconut water helps to reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
  6. It is beneficial after prolonged exercise. Yes, it is really helpful and perfect beverage for rehydration and replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise. Electrolytes plays important role including maintaining proper fluid balance. Several studies have found that it may be more beneficial and improved exercise capacity better than water or sport drink during very hot day.
  7. Coconut water has significant anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic properties which helps to minimize skin aging and keeps the tissue hydrated and strong. Also, applying it to the skin may have a moisturizing effect and treat skin problem like acne.
  8. Regular consumption of coconut water increases the metabolism rate which helps to burn sugar and lost fat faster. It is effectively easy on stomach since it is low in calories. Loaded with bio-active enzymes that are known that are known to ease digestion and boost metabolism.
  9. Unlike any other drinks, coconut water has no best time to intake. This can be drink during the day and night. Drinking it on empty stomach may help in many ways. Coconut water has lauric acid that help to boost the immunity, kick-starting the metabolism and facilitating weight loss. Pregnant women are often recommended to have coconut water to fight against dehydration, constipation and also helps relieve morning sickness and heartburn.
  10. Coconut water can magically cure hangover because it is containing high concentration of electrolytes. Hangover is body’s natural response as it bid to metabolize the alcohol. Since it is a diuretic, it causes the body to flush out the fluids and those toxins. Coconut water may help expedite the recovery process even more than plain water. Coconut water can ease out headache and nausea.
  11. The magnesium in coconut water comes as a savior who are suffering from migraine. Dehydration is one of the major reasons why headache is triggered. People suffers from migraine usually has low level of magnesium in their body. Because of the highlevel of magnesium available in coconut water it helps in supplying electrolytes in the body which can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.
  12. . Coconut water is good for digestion. It helps in easy digestion and prevent bloating after meals. Religiously consumption of coconut water helps in maintaining the electrolyte balance in the human body, thus, keeps your blood pressure in control and improves digestive function.
  13. The sweet and fragrance of coconut has a psychological effect that help remove anxiety and slows heart rate. We can take some coconut water before going to bed to fight against stress and calm your mind.

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