Category Archives: Desiccated Coconut

How Desiccated Coconut Supports Farmers

For so many years, coconut farming is the keystone of rural economies in the Philippines and other countries in the tropical region. This is one of the reasons why the popularity of desiccated coconut is continuously rising. Desiccated coconut is a shredded and dehydrated form of coconut product that used in most culinary application and […]

How Manufacturers Produce Coconut Products

In the Philippines, coconut products are enormously popular for versatility and health benefits, from the vast products coconut can offer from desiccated coconut to coconut milk and oil. These products are mainly used in households across the world because of their unique flavor and health benefits. The manufacturing process of these products is very crucial […]

Celebes Desiccated Coconut

Why Choose Celebes Desiccated Coconut

When it comes to a top manufacturer of desiccated coconut, Celebes Food Corporation is a global supplier and a top choice. In terms of high quality, high-class desiccated coconut, Celebes is renowned for its exceptional taste and texture. Celebes offers an excellent desiccated coconut that enhances any recipe. Because of its distinguished fresh, vibrant flavor […]

Tips for Buying High-quality Desiccated Coconut

Desiccated coconut has been shredded from the coconut meat from the fresh coconut fruit, practically dried to unmoistened. Its versatility is significantly used in various dishes. It can be used in cooking and baking to add tropical flavor and texture to dishes. Desiccated coconut has different cuts like fine, medium, long strands or long shredded, […]

Sweetened and Unsweetened Desiccated Coconut

In the field of culinary delight, we can find different ingredients that offer their own flavors and few can be as flavorful and rich as desiccated coconut. The sweetened and unsweetened coconut will satisfy your palate craves with a lovely sweet embrace of confectionery magic and a unique taste of unadulterated, fresh coconut. The sweetened […]

five different cuts of desiccated coconut

Five (5) Different Cuts of Desiccated Coconut

There are five (5) different cuts of Celebes Desiccated Coconut that can be used in various recipes. The first one is the macaroon or fine cut. It is a fancy shred cuts that usually use for cake toppings. Additionally, this can be use in donuts toppings and popsicles. Its smooth taste aroma adds different effect […]

why is it good to add desiccated coconut to your food

Why Is It Good to Add Desiccated Coconut to Your Food?

Perhaps many of us knows about the desiccated coconut. It is a dried grated coconut meat available in sweetened and unsweetened. We can say that it is freshly made with its snow white colored. Desiccated coconut has many uses. It could be added to any food. It has the sweet coconut aroma that if blends […]

how desiccated coconut is made

How Desiccated Coconut is made

You have probably heard about desiccated coconut, however, do you know how it is done? What does desiccated coconut look like? What is the difference between desiccated coconut and the common coconut that we use in most foods? What is Desiccated Coconut Desiccated coconut is fresh coconut meat that has been grated into different sizes. […]

yummy coconut macaroons Filipino recipe


Cookies, cupcakes, choco-cakes, banana bread, pudding and more that will surely make you drool. Where ever we go, Philippines is well known for cooking delicious food especially for making pastries. One of the food products that Filipinos are proud of when it comes to sweets is a yummy macaroon. No need to imagine because ingredients […]