
Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Coconut water could play important roles for women during their pregnancy journey, and a bonus even after the baby is delivered. Based on studies and testimonials from women, below are several roles that coconut water can play to benefit women during their journey to motherhood. However, one must take note that it is still always best to consult your doctor regarding coconut water consumption during pregnancy.

Benefits of Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Hydration – Known for its rich electrolyte content, coconut water is proven to combat dehydration for most people and not only for pregnant women. However, many might argue that the electrolyte content of coconut water is not enough for the hydration that the body needs. This is a common misconception some consumers fall into. The catch here is to never think of coconut water as a replacement for water as a source of hydration. Perceive that it should play the role that helps and boosts and not replaces the regular prescribed water consumption. Staying hydrated during pregnancy helps a lot to ease the discomfort of nausea and morning sickness.

Helps Prevent Anemia – Together with calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus, coconut water also contains iron, a vital nutrient to fight anemia. During childbirth, extreme blood loss is experienced. So in order to prevent that, drinking coconut water as part of a pregnancy diet is advantageous.

Improves Gastrointestinal Activities – Most women get constipated during pregnancy due to high progesterone levels. The rich fiber content in coconut water helps improve digestive tracts to normalize bowel movement. Coconut water also helps prevent heartburn, another common problem during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and enlarging of the stomach. Most medicines are not advisable for pregnant women, so as much as possible, prevention is needed in order to avoid complications in the future. Other benefits of coconut water also include improvement of the kidney functions, prevention for urinary tract infection and supports in lowering the blood pressure.

Protects Against Infections – because of its monolaurin content, coconut water and all other coconut by-products are scientifically proven to fight bacteria and viruses in the body. Coconut’s antiviral property is the most known by consumers. In present times, boosting the immune system to avoid infections is extremely vital, reason why the coconut water industry is still thriving.

Additional Benefits of Coconut Water during Labor and After Delivery

The pain of labor and childbirth is surely nerve-racking, even considered as one of the most painful things a woman may experience. Some even develop postpartum disorders that are hard to combat. The antioxidant property of coconut water makes it a reliable liquid consumed to fight stress. This is due to arginine, the amino acid that is needed to fight stress which is abundantly present in coconut water.

During labor, where solid food is sometimes prohibited, coconut water is a great go-to beverage to keep hydrated and maintain the energy needed for childbirth. While some prefer commercialized sports drinks, coconut water is sure to compete with those products. One major advantage of coconut water compared to commercialized sports drinks is its lesser sugar content.

Coconut Water During Lactation

Even if there are no clinical studies proving that coconut water can directly increase breast milk for mothers, it is still considered as a galactagogue by most moms. The constant feeling of fatigue after giving birth is really evident in women. A woman is simultaneously recovering physically, taking care of an infant and producing and feeding breast milk for the baby. Not to mention the demanding hours from morning until past midnight to look after the newborn. Combining coconut water’s vital characteristics being anti-inflammatory, energy-boosting and hydrating, mothers will no doubt consider it as a natural drink beneficial after childbirth.