How to make a Coconut Graham Ball?
How to make a Coconut Graham Ball?
Materials to be use:
How or steps to do it:
1. Prepare the big bowl.
2. If you prefer to use the graham bread, grind it first until it becomes powder, then use the finest strainer to make it into “finest powder ever”.
3. Put the powdered graham in the bowl.
4. Add gradually the condense milk.
5. Mix them well together using whisk or you can also use the spatula.
6. Then, empty the canned condense milk, mix thoroughly until it becomes dough.
7. Get or scoop an amount of the graham dough and roll it using your palm clean palm (make sure that your palm is in depth clean), you can also use or look for a flat surface and roll it dare.
8. Put the sweetened or unsweetened desiccated coconut (depends on your taste which one you prefer) on a plate. Let the graham balls roll to cover as a topping on it. If you want a little bit colder you can put them inside the fridge for a couple of hours, then take it out. Your coconut graham balls are ready to serve.